How to be a Yogi (Deluxe)
₹ 100.00
Product Details
How to be a Yogi is a book on science and practice of different types of Yoga which are interconnected with religion and philosophy and should be called into practice. This book forwards the laws and principles as well as methods of Yoga-practice, based on the teachings of Patanjali. It contains nine illuminating chapters on different types of Yoga along with their philosophy, psychology, and science. In the introductory chapter, the swami has defined what a true religion is. He says that true relihion is not based on mere theory or speculation, but on practice. Religion really prepares the ground of divine spirituality which does neither depend on mere reading of the scriptures, nor on the theological and speculative discussion of the shastras, and not on intellect and reason, but on divine realization or immediate awareness of the unchangeable Reality.