Indiya Penmanigal Volume - 1 (Tamil)
₹ 70.00
Product Details
Swami Vivekananda exhorted: "So shall we bring to the need of India great fearless womenwomen worthy to continue the traditions of Sanghamitta (Sanghmitra in Sanskrit) Lila Ahalya Bai and Mira Baiwomen fit to be mothers of heroes because they are pure and selfless strong with the strength that comes of touching the feet of God." The position of women in any society is the true index of its cultural and spiritual potential. From time immemorial women have occupied an honoured place in Indian Society.In the words of Swami Vivekananda "That country and that nation which do not respect women have never become great nor will ever be in future." This collection of books on the great women of India consists of set of 5 volumes that introduce children to the great women of India's history as found in India's history as well as the Puranas Ramayana and Mahabharata.The stories reflect the traditional role of women in ancient India. Featured in Volume 1: Maitreyi Gargi Sita Sabari Ahalya Mandodari and Tara.