Meaning and Significance of Worship
(Based on the worship of Sri Ramakrishna)
This book deals with the meaning and significance of worship of Sri Ramakrishna. It contains the mantras in Sanskrit, roman transliteration, word-by-word meanings, and English translations, with detailed descriptions and insightful explanations of the procedures followed.
Compiling the meanings and explanations of Swami Achalananda Sarasvati, a disciple of Revered Yatiswaranandaji Maharaj and a Sanskrit scholar well-versed in Ramakrishna-Vivekananda literature, Swami Muktidananda has shaped the material in form of this book, with pictures and summary charts.
The present edition in new layout is further enriched with additional material and pictures.
This book is a must for all devotees of Sri Ramakrishna, especially those who perform his worship.