The Essence of the Gita
This book is a slender yet invaluable addition to the Gita literature. It contains a series of six talks delivered in Bengali by Swami Saradananda, a monastic disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, to a predominantly young audience. The lectures have been translated into English by Swami Tyagananda, a former editor of the Vedanta Kesari, a monthly magazine of the Ramakrishna Order.
The book consists of Introduction, two chapters on Jnana Yoga, two chapters on Karma Yoga, and one on Knowledge and Devotion, together forming a brilliant summary of the essence of Gita’s teachings. All these have been lucidly presented by Swami Saradananda, the very personification of calmness, equipoise and perfection amidst the whirlpool of activity—the characteristics taught by the Gita.