Vedanta For All (English) (Paperback)
This book is a collection of Swami Satprakashananda’s class talks on different aspects of Vedanta. One of his disciples has compiled and edited the talks and produced this book. The book has 15 chapters discussing in a conversational tone topics including the aura of meditation, the dichotomy of good and evil, the reconciliation between divine grace and the law of karma, the inter-relation between reason, volition and emotion and what happens after death. The book is not only ‘Vedanta for All’ but also ‘All about Vedanta’.
Swami Satprakashananda, who was initiated into spiritual life by Swami Brahmananda and into sannyasa by Swami Shivananda, is known for his yeoman service through his scholarly lectures, articles and books. As the Minister-in-charge of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, USA., he spread the message of Vedanta in America for more than four decades.
This book is meant not only students of Vedanta but for all.