Vivekananda - A Born Leader
₹ 165.00
Product Details
The profile of Vivekananda as ?A Leader? had previously never been studied and thought about on its own, especially in the light of modern management and leadership theories. The author of this book has taken the initiative to view Vivekananda in this light and present him to the readers as a model of ?a Leader-Manager? or of ?the Servant Leadership Concept?. He shows that Vivekananda preached and practiced the sublime concept of servant-leadership in his life and within his organization eighty years before it was introduced to the corporate world and was accepted as the most singular and powerful statement of leadership concept in modern times. The author does not claim that this book is a comprehensive treatise on leadership and management, focusing on every trait a leader or manager is expected to possess. It does not deal with quick solutions to managerial problems, nor does it deal with every modern business strategy or management philosophy. It looks at the qualities which radiated through Vivekananda that go to endorse and validate the view that he was an exemplar of one having superb leadership and managerial qualities...