Vivekanandar Parvaiyil Indhu Madham (Tamil)
₹ 100.00
Product Details
Swami Vivekanandar has given lectures on Hindu Dharma in various places. Some of his lectures are compiled into this book form. Some of the poems compiled by Swamiji, with the Tamil forms are also given. When and where was the Hindu Matham born? Who is the creator of it? There is no answer for these. It was, it is and it will be ? is the only answer. Such a great Dharma was in danger in the 19st Century. Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda are the two mighty divine powers who appeared in this time of distress, and infused it with fresh energy and vigour and established it firmly. Swamiji had the complete darshan of Bharath during his Parivrajaka period. He was able to capture its true picture of the past and the present. If we see through Swamiji eyes we can properly understand the greatness of our Motherland, Bharath.